YogaBurn by Zoe Bray Cotton. Real Review from a Yogi of 3 Years ( NO FLUFF )

Last time I stumbled across Zoe Bray Cotton’s Yogaburn program on

You might ask does this yoga program is really good, safe and suitable for beginner to advanced?

Can i get this program as a cheaper and better alternatives to replace general yoga class?

so you don't have to rush to go to the crowded yoga studios / gym, and have more flexible time to do yoga anytime you want at your own home

Does this program really works? Can it help me to reduce stress, lose weight ?

To answer all these questions,

I as a yoga lover of 3 years who practices 3 – 4 times a week, decided to buy the program and will give you my unbiased review and some tips on the program so you know the details, pros, and cons of this program.

I am not like people who give a review without buying and checking the program out, so stay tuned and read my no-bullshit review until its end.

Yogaburn / Her Yoga Secrets is a 12-week yoga video program that you can do at home taught by Zoe Bray Cotton herself.

No eBook is included, because it is in a video format, thus you can easily copy the yoga poses step by step.

Although it is designed for women, men can also do the exercises – and without side effects.

There is also an audio version. You can download it to your PC or stream it online for audio and Video lessons.

But I suggest you only use the video format, so that you can learn each pose visually. Doing yoga with only an audio commentary is difficult for the beginner.



What is inside the Her Yoga Secrets Yoga Burn Program

There are 12 videos in the core of the program (3 introduction videos and 9 workout videos)

divided into 3 phases With 1 Bonus Phase:

  1. Foundational Flow: learn how to execute each movement with proper form  by the end of 4 weeks. It is the key to progressing to the other 2 phases safely and effectively.
  2. Transitional Flow: combine all the exercises you've learned into a smooth flow to burn calories, get your heart rate up, and allow you to focus on the present moment.
  3. Mastery Flow: fire up your metabolism and transform your body. There are combinations of upper and lower body compound movements that give your body that sexy hourglass shape.
  4. Torch Flow : Unannounced Exclusive Final Phase only found on the DVD which will be delivered to your house. Designed to torch body fat and help sculpt sexy, feminine muscle  . The movement is very different to traditional yoga poses. I Found many new yoga poses that i've never do before

*Results will vary

All this flow must be followed in the exact order. Each video has 15 minutes’ exercise repeated 3 times and separated by 10s breaks, so the total duration of each video is around 45 minutes. The difficulty gradually increases between each flow.

But don’t worry – it is not very difficult to follow. Zoe Bray Cotton‘s instruction is very clear, detailed, and not too fast, the camera angle is also great – makes it easier to watch how to do each pose in detail.

If you are very new to yoga, you might struggle with following a bit,

but since the exercise is repeated 3 times, you will get the hang on it. The first week or two will be tough, but each week will get easier.

If you find certain poses too easy, sometimes Zoe Bray gives a challenge option, otherwise you can switch to the easier variant.

There are also Bonus Videos

  1. Tranquility Flow: 15-minutes’ relaxation yoga (Yin Yoga) to distress and relax your body and sore muscles (*). You can do this any time you want.
  2. Beginner Flow: 45-minutes’ easy yoga exercise (Yin Yoga). This is perfect if you are new to yoga or recovering from injury or child birth.
  3. Video Tips
  4. 21 Yoga Pose Video Tutorial: this is very important. It will guide you how to do each pose correctly.

And Another Yoga Monthly Bonus Video When your DVD is delivered  at your home .  You must wait for your DVD to come to access into this program

  1. 12 Week Restorative Yoga :  12 Yin yoga Practices to increase flexibility & help you to relax ( Duration is around 25 – 30 minutes ) (*).
  2. Meditation Solution : You can choose between 3 guided meditation to distress your mind and body anytime / after yoga practices (*)

I’ve checked out all the poses and consider them safe.

There are no dangerous poses that need an instruction from a yoga teacher. as would the headstand, handstand, scorpion pose, and others.

I find that this program misses the Don’ts Factor.

Zoe Bray rarely points out the common mistakes of doing certain poses, so my suggestion is that you pay attention to the neck, head, shoulders, hips, feet (flexing or pointing), knees, and shoulder position when doing some poses. For example:

  1. If you are doing the warrior 1 pose, make sure that your hip is square and facing forward.
  2. In the lunge pose make sure that your knees don’t cross over your toes – you must be able to see your toes.
  3. In the Chaturanga pose make sure that your elbow is stuck to your chest. Imagine putting a pen in your armpit and holding it there not to drop it.
  4. In the Cobra pose don’t close your feet together. Keep some distance between them to protect your lower back and  keep your shoulders far from the ears.

  5. In the Plank position make sure that your hips don’t get too close to the ground. Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles like a plank.

But don’t worry – there are 21 yoga pose video tutorials that you can watch many times so as not to miss some detail.

If you buy the program, start from the foundational flow and then watch the pose tutorial.

The most used poses are: flow 1, flow 2 lunge, chair pose, warrior 1, warrior 2. No need to watch all of them in 1 day – take it slowly so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Just watch 1 video per day.


Quick YogaBurn Video Review



Click Here to Start your YogaBurn Program by Zoe Bray Cotton


Yoga Burn Tips

  1. Keep your smartphone away while practicing. No phone call, chatting, texting. Give yourself quality time for an hour without distractions.
  2. The best time to do yoga is in the morning after you wake up.
  3. Keep your breath slow and deep, breathe in and out through the nose.
    This is the most important factor in yoga.
  4. Try do the most you can, but don't force your body too hard, for example into the standing split pose. If you are stiff, you can slightly bend your knees.
  5. Try not to drink anything while doing yoga. If you’re very thirsty, drink a tiny sip of little water to keep your heart beat up.
  6. Make it a habit. Do yoga at least twice a week to get the benefit.
  7. If you are too tired to follow the video, you can do the child pose for a while and then resume. ( below is the picture of Child Pose )
    A Lady is Doing Yoga
  8. It is OK if you cannot do certain poses. But try your best. Keep practicing.


Who is Zoe Bray Cotton? Is she real?

Zoe Bray Cotton is a Certified Yoga Instructor and Personal Trainer. She is no shady author. You can see her doing each pose on the Yogaburn video program. She is a real person.


What is the benefit of Yoga Burn by Zoe Bray Cotton?

The benefit to each person will vary .
Here are the benefits of the Her Yoga Secrets Program(*)


  1. Distressing, refreshing, and relaxing the mind and body. For me this is the greatest benefit that I can possibly feel. When I work and get stressed, I do yoga around 7 PM and feel refreshed afterwards. This is why I became addicted to yoga and still do it today.
  2. Improving flexibility: If you’re stiff, don’t be afraid / ashamed to do yoga.
    Most people think that yoga is only for the flexible. NO! That is not true. I am stiff and still don’t see a big improvement in my flexibility, even after I’ve done yoga for 3 years. But I still do it, because there are many other benefits than flexibility.
  3. Helping you get a good deep sleep
  4. Keeping your body energized and your metabolism fired up: Usually after I do yoga in the morning, my body feels full of energy that helps a lot with my work, even though yoga is relaxing. I always get sweaty after practice. This is a sign that my metabolism is active.
  5. Improving focus, self-awareness, and clarity: sometimes (not every time) I feel very focused when working after doing yoga. It is like when you take the Limitless Pills (movie). This helps me to finish my work faster.
  6. Burning fat and shaping the body
  7. Helping you be present in the moment
  8. Detoxing the body
  9. Helping back problems such as scoliosis
  10. Helping you become more patient, especially applicable to angry and emotional peopleYogaBurn Zoe Bray Cotton


YogaBurn Testimonial

I found some testimonal about yogaburn program on the official website here . it looks legit in my opinion

Here are they

Well as far as yoga burn goes, I couldn't touch my toes now I can! I'm 54 and actually I feel better than I did when I was 45 I have lost about 10 pounds with a simple diet I have about 30 or so to go! This is by far the easiest way to go …and also with this yoga! I don't dread it at all when the DVD came I looked at it for two days before I opened it because I knew there was no going back to the way I was!
I can do all the way through the second set! I am very awkward doing this and I'm sure not very pretty doing it but I'm not giving up! Every day I'm getting better! So with all this I just want to say thank you for changing my life and the email you send out makes me feel I'm the only one with this much attention to my health from you ….so thank you so very much you have truly changed my life …I'm not so negative and quick tempered anymore and I love my new self!
Thank you again Zoe Bray-Cotton and your team!
Frankey K. (*)

I have had a tight neck on the left side for well over 7 years. I truly feel this is the basis of my chronic migraines.   I go to a chiropractor to try to loosen it up a few times a year, do stretches, take muscle relaxers when the inevitable migraine is lurking about, get in the hot tub at least 3 times a week.
I have been doing your yoga program for about 3 weeks now. I feel so much better physically and mentally. I sleep better at night and actually stay up later, not ready to crash at 9 pm. The best thing is what I had happen to me tonight.
I was taking my shower and doing my neck exercises under the hot water as I have done for several years now.. I could TURN MY HEAD ALL THE WAY to the left. I had to do it again to make sure i was not imagining it!!!
Zoe this is big for me.  I thought you would want to know how much you have helped me already.
Looking forward to see how else my body reacts to this new lifestyle. Oh yeah and the belly is smaller, legs stronger!
Tammy T.(*)

Yes I’ve done the Tranquility Flow, and I have to say that was the most relaxing thing I have ever done……That could be a whole series in itself.  I'm a nurse and I run and Alzheimer's Unit.  My stress level is extremely high.  Love what I do but not good when you can't release that stress…So I thank you for what you do…
Jane C. (*)

I am so impressed with the kindness and professionalism that Zoe has in her yoga presentation and customer service. I have been practicing yoga for over 39 years and am a Yahweh Yoga Instructor for the past 5 years but this Yoga Burn is truly a well synchronized form of yoga that challenges and brings out the best in yoga in such a short time. I have only been this program for a week yet after the first day I felt the both the challenge and well being in the practice. I extend my sincere gratitude for your time and effort invested in this Yoga Burn Series.
Nelsi A (*)

I love yoga burn . I began doing yoga about 2 years ago at an area class where I learned a few yoga steps and positions. Yoga has especially helped me with stressful situations and I frequently find my self automatically doing the breathing exercises. As an emergency room nurse I have even taught them to my patients to deal with their pain and stress. Now finding your video series has been a God send as I can now take yoga with me anywhere. The initial start was a bit fast for me but you are right I watched the session 1 multiple times and was then able to go at my own pace and I am already seeing results. I do stand taller and my muscles and joints are not as stiff . Thanks again.
Jean K. (*)

We're now on our 3rd week of Phase 2 and doing well. Mark has a naturally low metabolism (with a pulse of 50, resting) and his pulse goes up to 80 during most of the workouts (15 minutes wouldn't be bad, but doing them 3 times, wow, that's a workout of cardiac proportions if I know anything about working out!). Mine is 80, resting and it hits 140 to 150 by the end of the workout! We're sweating like pigs! I have slimmed down a good bit, getting into waisted skirts that I couldn't get into prior to the Yoga-Burn 6 weeks ago!
LuAnne J (*)



How Fast Can I See The Results?

Every person will be different. Yoga is not magic that will instantly transform your body.

I felt  the benefits No 1, 3, and 4 almost instantly. The most important thing is to make yoga a habit and you will see the results.


Who can practice the Yoga Burn Program?

Anyone can do yoga burn. Although the website looks like it is designed for women, men can also do it. I’ve confirmed it with Zoe Bray.

If you’re injured , senior or pregnant, you can do the Beginner Flow or ask your doctor or Zoe herself. Her support is very fast and responsive.

If you’re inflexible or stiff, this is a great chance for you to improve your flexibility.

No need to feel that yoga burn is only for flexible people. This is 100% wrong. I Started yoga although I had a stiff body.

Yogaburn is also perfect for anyone who has never done yoga before and for advanced yoga practitioners too. (Try the Mastery Flow – it is quite challenging).

Yogaburn is a perfect program for anyone who is busy and doesn’t have time to go to a yoga class, or anyone looking for a cheaper, but still great quality yoga program alternative.


What do you need when practicing Zoe Bray Cotton’s Yoga Burn Program?

You only need 1 yoga mat and comfortable clothing to Start the Core Program- casual is OK.

Don’t wear clothes that restrict your mobility. Yoga clothing is optional.  Don’t wear socks when doing yoga to avoid slipping.

For yoga mat I suggest that you buy a mat designed for yoga. not an ordinary mat. Ordinary mats are usually slippery and cause problems when doing certain poses such as downward facing dock.

Here are my recommended brands of yoga mats and the links to buying them from Amazon:

  1. Jade: I use this natural rubber mat,  4.5-star rating with 1600+ reviews. Price starts from $74.95
  2. Manduka: 4.5-star rating with 700+ reviews. Price starts from $67
  3. Liforme:  5-star rating with 14 reviews. Price: $165. This is a new trending yoga mat, some people in my class use it too and feel comfortable with it. A bit pricey for me though.

If you feel that those mats are too expensive,

you can buy a cheap ordinary mat from Balanceform for $17 here . I don’t know the quality because I never used it, but it has a 4-star rating with 3,271 reviews.

And if you feel that yoga is for you, then you can buy a better mat later. And if you are looking for yoga mat towel, click here for the resources

When your DVD is Arrive you will need another props

  1. Yoga Blocks 2 Pcs : You can buy from Amazon here for only $ 10.49 . 4.5 Star rating  with 479 reviews
    Alternatively you can use big books as a substitute
  2. Yoga Straps : Buy from Amazon here for only $ 7.99 . 4.8 Star rating with 129 review
    Alternatively you can use scarf , belt or long towels
  3. Blanket & Pillows

These  props used for restorative yoga practice found on the yogaburn monthly DVD.


The Best Place to buy Zoe Bray Cotton’s YogaBurn Program

You can buy the Yogaburn / Her Yoga Secrets program by visiting the official site here .

Notes: If you want to skip the video and buy it, click the website link above twice. You’ll see the buy button immediately on the 2nd website that you’ll open.

The cost of the program is only $37 + shipping and handling. You will get the complete physical and digital collection ( 2 DVD ).

After you buy it you can instantly download or stream the program while waiting for your physical collection to arrive at your home. ( Delivery times is around 2 – 3 Weeks )


You can also buy 2 for your friend or family for $57 + shipping and handling. Considering the value you get ( 20+ Practices ) , this program is very cheap compared to a private session.

By the time I wrote this review there was also an unannounced bonus of 6 Veggies That Cause Fat Gain.

There is also a 60-days no questions asked 100% money back guarantee if you feel that yogaburn is not for you, but I bet you won’t need it.


The Verdict

Yogaburn is a great, safe, and affordable yoga program for busy people.

it is beginner friendly, good for men, pregnant women, stiff people, young , old people and advanced yoga practitioners – anybody can do it

The instruction is very clear and detailed with a step-by-step video. There are more than 20 Practices with just 1 single payment of $ 37 + Shipping , which is a steal compared to other yoga classes

Yoga has many positive benefits that you can reap aside from burning fat. I strongly suggest that you make it a life habit twice a week and feel the difference.



Disclaimer (*) Results will vary from person to person. If you have an injury or medical condition, consult your doctor, Zoe, or a professional yoga teacher whether you can practice Yogaburn.

9 Total Score

Customer Support:
Content Quality:
  • Have more than 20 Practices in just single program ( the extra practices can be accessed from the DVD only )
  • Affordable yoga program of great quality
  • Good for men, women, pregnant women, stiff people, beginners, and the advanced
  • Great for busy people who don’t have time to go to classes, No more crowd studios
  • Instruction is very clear and detailed, not overwhelming with a step-by-step video, and each phase is repeated 3 times, which ensures that you can follow all the poses correctly
  • Created by real yoga practitioner Zoe Bray Cotton, not a shady author who only wants your money
  • Fast & Responsive support response ( 1-2 Days )
  • 60-days’ no questions asked money back guarantee gives you enough time to test it
  • Safe yoga poses, no dangerous ones
  • Lacks the Don’ts factor. Zoe rarely explains the common mistakes that people make when doing certain poses. But fortunately there are 21 yoga pose video tutorials which you can watch and practice. Pay attention to the head position, neck, feet, knees, elbows, chest, shoulders, hips when doing certain poses.
  • This program might not suit people looking for advanced poses such as the headstand, handstand, scorpion pose, etc. Zoe Bray prioritizes safety over difficulty.
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