The Pros & Cons of Unlock Your Hip Flexors – I Become Guinea Pig

Are you feeling stiff around your hip because you sit a lot? Are you tired of having discomfort feeling or pain around your lower back? Do you feel sluggish in your daily activities or lack of performance in sports? You’re not alone because I feel them, too!

A lot of people experience these conditions. Stiffness and pain around the hip and lower back can be irritating and uncomfortable. These conditions can lead to walking with discomfort, bad posture, trouble sleeping, blood circulatory issues, lacking of explosiveness in the gym or sports and many else.

Luckily, I have bought UNLOCK YOUR HIP FLEXORS and tried it myself. Here, I will give you my honest and deep review about the program, so you will know whether this program works or not. Before i go explaining about the program. Better for me to give a quick explanation first about hip flexors, because many people not know about this muscle and why is it vital for our health.



What is Hip Flexors? Why is it Important? 

According to U.S. Library of Medicine, the hip flexors are a group muscles that helps us to move or flex, around the lower part of our body.  The strain occurs when the hip flexors muscles stretched or torn.

Hip Flexors Muscle

The muscles help us to do sudden movements like sprinting, kicking, and changing direction while running or moving. Here I also put some information about Hip flexors from

If your hip flexors are overdeveloped, tight, stiff or short, you'll suffer from lower back pain and hip pain. You could experience a limited range of motion in the hips and lower back. That's because tight hip flexors pull your pelvis into an unnatural forward tilt, which in turn pulls your lumbar spine out of alignment, causing lower back pain.

The hip flexor is a major stabilizer of the lower body, so if your hip flexor is too weak you'll suffer from poor balance and postural problems. You may have problems with your hip joints and frequent misalignments in your lumbar spine. You'll have trouble standing and walking for long periods of time, and you may have problems with your gait.

Sitting for extended periods of time is the main cause of tight Hip Flexors. It stiffens the muscles in the hip and lower back, and it can kill you. according to sitting too long can :

  • Increase the risk of cancer
  • Slowing your digestion
  • Increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease
  • Causing postural problem ( Back , neck , shoulder )

So My Advice : Use Standing desk or  Take a walk for few minutes after you sitting 30 minutes, move More and sit less. Now lets jump to the review.


What is Unlock Your Hip Flexors ? Look Inside The Program

It is a program created by Rick Kaselj designed to help people with tight hip flexors. It consist of 2 Main Parts

  1. Unlock Your Tight Hip Flexors PDF + Video Coaching Exercise + Follow Along
    ( See the screenshot of member area below )

    Unlock Your Hip Flexors - Coaching
  2. Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings PDF + Video Coaching Exercise + Follow Along
    ( Below is the screenshot of the program )
    Unlock Your Tight Hamstrings - Coaching

So this program will not only help you with tight hip flexors it also help with tight hamstrings

There are total 10 Hip Flexors Exercise in this program. It is meant to train muscles in your hip called psoas connecting the upper body to the lower body. The program itself lasts for around 21 minutes with the instructor.

Rick Kaselj himself showing each exercise with a sportswoman demonstrating each movement. In some of Rick’s exercises, he mentioned the ideal supporting objects to exercises and how to reach the maximum results.

The exercise movements vary from light to medium difficulty; light stretch and medium stretch. Though the exercise has medium difficulty movement, it is still easy to perform from my experience. In the video is mentioned clearly what Rick says in each exercise; he points out every detail of the body positions, how long you should do each movement, how many repetitions, the purposes of every movement and also the tips.

The 10 exercises in the video program include PNF Stretching, Dynamic Stretching, Static Stretching, 3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises, Mobility Exercises, Fascia Stretching, and Muscle Activation Movements.

So this is NOT only common static stretching exercise that you can find on youtube. Because the hip flexors is a hard muscle to reach ( Located deep in the front of the hip ) , you need to train the muscle from a variety of angles using a variety of exercise techniques and modalities in order to “unpack” the muscle in the right way.

There is also 63- pages PDF Manual that explains about hip flexors , the importance about this muscle , the effect of having tight muscle and the exercise.  Sometimes the PDF using technical terms that is hard to understand by common people like me , you need to read it few times to understand it . But you can skip it and jump straight to the exercises if you want

For the unlock your tight hamstrings program. there are 9 exercises with the duration of 5 Minutes. and also the exercises is combination between dynamic stretching, static stretching , eccentric training , 3 dimensional core stability exercises, isometric strengthening , and muscle activation.


Click Here to Get Unlock Your Hip Flexors Program at The Official Website


Who is Rick Kaselj? Is he real?

Rick Kaselj, MS, a registered kisineologist and injury specialist, has given 352 live presentations to more than 8,152 health professionals in the US and Canada.

He creates a website for injury problems on He appear and teach unlock your hip flexors program by himself,  I had also checked some of his work mentioned in his other videos.

He also create a program called forward head posture fix to help with texting neck

So it is clear that he is a real person and not a shady author who only want your money by creating this program.


My Strain and Personal Experience with Unlock Your Hip Flexors. 

Last time i got the strain after I came back from a vacation as I slipped during the outing. A stinging sensation popped in when I walked and did my daily activities the day after. Then, gradually I was unable to sleep because of the acute pain I felt around from my thigh, and the worst one was around the hip.

Every time I moved or walked, I was in agony. I went to a message therapist who seemed to be untrained because my thigh was getting worse after being massaged – it was swollen, black and blue. The worst part was I could not walk until I consulted to a neurologist, and he said I was lucky enough even with the tear muscles, there were no signs of nerves injuries.

In addition to it, I could lose my ability to walk if it happened. I was supposed to wear a crutch, but I stayed at home for a month. The doctor prescribed me some medicine to reduce the pain, swelling and the bruises as well. It took quite some time to heal.

Then i got the info about Unlock your hip flexors program from my friend, and i decided to buy and apply it at home. In one of his exercise, I felt tightened and strained from my ankle, hip, thigh to the back while performing.

Sometimes I feel tightened around the quadriceps, the back up in my spine and into my pelvis muscles. A light pain from the previous injury emerged around my ankle, thigh, and hip after doing the exercise, yet I felt pretty good and relax after a while and my stiff hip and the pain at the back decreased. (The back pain I got from different exercise).

As I finished practicing, I noticed the strain around the back I had was much better and relieved. Remember, different people get different results after exercising.


  • Rick mentions in the unlock your hip flexors program that all the exercises must be done slowly, not vigorously because the movements are meant to stretch the Hip Flexors, not to damage
  • In addition to the points above, he adds that all the exercises are in the sequential flow method so it is a must to do it in the correct order. and each exercise should not be done individually


What Are the Benefits you Get by Exercising Unlock your Hip Flexors? 

Here is some benefits of this program. Remember result will be vary between each person

  • Reducing the strain by stretching the muscles on the Hip Flexors
  • Correcting the bad posture
  • Unlocking your hip by targeting the difficult and unreachable muscles
  • Helping with circulatory issues and sluggishness in day to day life
  • Giving strength and power for doing exercise in the gym or sports
  • Reducing trouble sleeping due to the uncomfortable feeling around the hip and lower back
  • Decreasing the problem caused by walking with discomfort


What Equipment do you need to exercise Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

You don't need a special / expensive equipment to perform this exercise. you only need 2 things


Who can practice Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

Suitable for:

  • People suffering from inexplicable back, hip or joint pain and sitting for a long period of time
  • People of all ages

Not suitable for:

  • A person having a hip replacement surgery but only with certain types of problem (consult to your specialists or physicians).


How fast can I feel the results?

The results may vary from person to person. Well, I am a couch potato who is lazy to do sports, never walks to go to work, and I do have lower back pain because I sit a lot and my hip is stiff, so if I stand, I always feel awkward because I feel there is something wrong with my position.

I personally feel significant results like relief, light steps, less lower back pain, and I feel energetic after doing the exercises and the day after. The stiffness I feel around the pelvis and the lower back area decreasing.

I suggested my friend to try this as soon as I felt the result. After he tried it, he told me he felt nothing because he loves exercising, so it did not affect him. “Keep in mind that some people need to perform the program several times to feel the results.”


Can this program help to treat the hip and lower back?

Yes, it can help you to reduce the problems in your hip on your psoas muscles. Some people will feel the differences like feeling better around their hip and lower back after exercising, but some people won’t feel the result immediately because they have to perform the program several times like from three up to five times in order to feel the result.


What do you get when you buy Unlock Your Hip Flexors?


  • Unlock Hip Flexors Video Coaching
  • Unlock Hip Flexors Manual PDF
  • Unlock Your Tight Hamstring Video Coaching
  • Unlock Your Tight Hamstring Manual PDF
  • The Ultimate 7-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet Manual PDF

If you don’t have a PDF Reader installed in your PC, you can download it for free on the link they provide in the email they send to you after purchasing.


The Best Place to Buy Unlock Your Hip Flexors & The Cost

You can get it only for $10 if you take the offer with fifteen-minute-expiration-sale on their official website:

If the sale is expired, they offer you $50 for the program. You don’t have to worry since you can hit the refresh button on your internet browser and it will reset the time.

They also provide 60-day no question asked money back guarantee. When you buy it you will gain instant access to download the program , so no more waiting


Where can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

You can send them e-mail to sales (at) or you can contact rick kaselj

By Email: support (at)

By Phone: 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada)


The Verdict

Unlock Your Hip Flexor Program is not a scam and safe to perform even for a couch potato like me. I put myself as a guinea pig to test out all of the exercises from the beginning to the end. It is easy-to-do-exercise and good for warming up before you do any sports activity.

These exercises can be done daily as they are good for stretching. The instructions given are clear, simple and detailed with brief explanations, and the instructor who makes this video is a well-experienced injury specialist.

This video is great and affordable for a beginner who knows less information about exercises as it is very easy and safe to do. You get great exercises from the expert only for $10 included the bonuses.

The video is not only for beginners in sports, but also for any sportsmen and people of all ages. It is informative, useful, yet brief to give the most important details and explanations. Moreover, it is designed by an experienced injury specialist and it is foolproof as long as we follow the instructions thoroughly.



*Disclaimer: Results will vary from person to person. If you have an injury or medical condition, consult your doctor

9.4 Total Score

Content Quality:
  • Easy exercises to perform
  • No gym membership or expensive equipment needed
  • Affordable price. it is only $ 10
  • Good for exercising at home or in a limited space
  • Created by a well-experienced injury specialist and not by a shady author
  • Safe exercises even for beginners
  • You only need 10 - 15 minutes to perform all of the exercises.
  • Clear, simple, yet brief and informative instructions and tips
  • There is 60-days’ no questions asked money back guarantee, it give you more than enough time to test the program
  • Contains no Fluff or Filler. it jump straight to the Main Content
  • The manuals have some technical terms that is difficult for common people to understand. but you can skip it to the exercise if you want
  • It comes only in digital format for the videos and the manuals.
  • This program may not be performed by people who have gone through hip replacement surgery. Therefore, they must consult to their specialists before exercising.
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  1. I watched the video but what do you use the plastic device that came with it?

    • Hi Dmitri

      my other customer also said the same , i think the new plastic device is an additional content that i never have it
      when i bought unlock hip flexor at the first time

      perhaps you can contact Rick Kaselj on how to use it

      i am sorry i cannot answer your question since i never had the device , i only got the video and the ebook

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