
An In-depth Review on Joe Vitale’s Law of Attraction Coaching

Law of Attraction Coaching & Certification Review – Life is actually as easy as to answer a question about: “what do you want in life?”

Do you have the answer already? Or maybe you’re already living the life you wanted? Congratulations if it’s you!

But if you’re not, don’t worry you’re not alone. I’m with you. Other people might too.

Let’s confess that most of us get discourage to live the life we wanted. It’s easier to deal with the cards in hands. Reality controls us and we convinced that life is mystery and it’s beyond our reach. We tend to follow and accept things the way they are.

What if it’s not true? What if we have the power to transform our lives to the way we want it (no matter how big it is)?

I recalled one thing when I read a passage in Paulo Coelho’s novel The Alchemist. It says:

“when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

I stumbled upon this fascinating idea. It makes me feel like I have some kind of super power by having the universe as my comrade. On my surprise, this idea is an actual thing. It’s called the law of attraction (LOA).

And whether the universe is a comrade or enemy; depends on us; how do we set it into motion.

The law of attraction is the primal source that can transform our lives, and through our transformation we can also help change other people’s life.

Knowing this fact, I’ve dedicated myself to find out more about it. I have searched my way over internet and here I am. In this particular post I’d like to share my personal experience enrolling the law of attraction coaching and with which I’ve learnt to perceive things differently and progressively transform myself and hopefully I can also help others on the latter.



Do you have the same urge like I do?

Here's more to follow



About the Law of Attraction Coaching

The law of attraction coaching is a home-based course that you can study anytime and anywhere you want.


You may consider this law of attraction coaching is suitable for you, if you are:


  1. 18 or older
  2. Wanting to know everything about the law of attraction and harness the power to transform their lives.
  3. Looking to master the law of attraction to the level which you can teach it to others and have them efficiently attracted everything they desire*.

(*) By the end of the course, which will approximately take 2-3 weeks or a year for the latest, you will be able to take the online test. Once you’ve passed the test, you’ll be receiving the law of attraction certificate sent via email by the Global Science Foundation. If you failed the test, don’t worry you have the chance to have the test 3 times. And if you failed them all (I’m sure you won't), you can have another 3 shots for $ 25.


Who Made this Law of Attraction Coaching Possible?

There are 2 instructors behind this LOA coaching: Dr. Joe Vitale and Steve G. Jones Ed.D. Based on literature that I found on internet they have a legit background to teach such thing. Let’s start with:

Dr. Joe Vitale


Joe Vitale's facabook page

Steve G. Jones Ed.D

I can run a full page to write about his credibility, so I highlighted some for you:


Steve G. Jones' facebook page


What Comes with My Purchase?


Screenshot of my purchase

This law of attraction coaching served with 5 coaching manuals. Each of that has approximately 20 pages long. They’re all in easy to read mode, a thoughtful package for people who are not much into reading.

If you had reached the end of the latest book (book 5) you’ll be able to click on the served link and get your online certification.

That’s not all…

There’s also an addition of marketing guide E-book available in the package to help you start your business as a certified LOA practitioner and gain clients.


Have a Sneak Peak Inside the 5 Manuals Here

What Can You Benefit from LOA Coaching?

Despite one benefit that I’ve mentioned earlier; an extra addition of marketing guide E-book, below are some other benefits that you’d get as a certified LOA practitioner:

  1. As soon as you pass the test, you’ll get a lifetime support by the Global Science Foundation.
  2. Your name will be listed on the Global Science Foundation as LOA practitioner and you’ll get promoted.

And for anyone both non-practitioner and practitioner, here are some benefit that can be harnessed:

  1. You can get the sold-out Ho’oponopono seminar with Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Joe Vitale free with your LOA certification.
  2. Studying at your own pace— No specific training schedule.
  3. Utilizing the power of thought to create and receive anything you want in life.
  4. Having a good understanding on the connection between your thoughts, desires and what you’re actually receiving from the universe.
  5. Knowing how to transmit the right messages to the universe to manifest health and success.
  6. Knowing how to methodically eliminate emotional blocks that are preventing you from succeeding in attracting your desires.


I Did My Enrollment for the Past 2 Weeks, Here’s What I Keep Running towards…

I’ve gone through the 5 manuals in 2 weeks; which considered as an ideal time to start the online certification test. And yes, I’ve done submitting the test too. I’ll tell you how it goes, but before that; let me share a little about my personal development in applying the law of attraction on my daily life.

The very first reason why I jumped into this LOA coaching was i feel the need to change my life. I felt I’ve fallen deeper and deeper to negative thoughts. I had no intention to take the test neither to become a practitioner. But you know, never say never.

On the first couple days I’ve figured what exactly I want in life. And this is important in LOA.

The major concept of LOA is “like attracts like”. If you give your thoughts to something positive, you’ll have a positive vibe, the universe will catch this vibe and it will reflect back at you. Unfortunately, the same things happen to your negativity.

Why did I say earlier that finding what you really want is important in LOA? It’s because most people have been doing it wrong. and if you do it wrong how positive things can be possibly manifested?

Common mistake that people is being indecisive and think that knowing what they don’t want equals to knowing what they want (I was one of them). Sadly the LOA will transmit this signal differently.

For LOA: if you're “not wanting to be poor” equals “you want to be poor”. LOA doesn’t take negation.

There’s more information that you can learn regarding this matter in the manuals, and more apt examples too.

Jumping on the next couple days, I find myself a bit struggling to do, is to: unlearning. Discarding a well- constructed old belief is not as easy as falling off a log but it is still possible! A full transformation takes time, and LOA is not magic, nobody can do it over-night.

The difficulty in discarding an old belief is probably happened because we still bound with our pasts. There might be something that we're actually just forgetting instead of forgiving. Well, the thing is; forgetting is not forgiving, they're different.

Do you feel like your past keeps holding you back? If you do, you might want to try out another course called Ho'oponopono practitioner certification course created by the same author, Joe Vitale. I suggest you to read a review regarding this course first before buying: Forgiving the Past with Ho'oponopono Technique by Rahayu Pawitri.


Click Here to Learn More about the Law of Attraction



Alright, now let’s talk about the test submission, shall we?

As you’ve gone your way absorbing all the 5 manuals and you’re ready to start the test, you can directly click on the link that served on the book 5, and get yourself registered.

The test will be divided on 2 sections. First the multiple choice, and second a full page essay.

You can pause the test if you need time to write the essay offline, and resume to copy-paste it on the online answer sheet. After everything’s done, you can click on submit.

Here’s what I got after I submitted my test:

To my surprise, the review on my essay has done less than 24 hours. And the result is: I got my certificate! (Sorry, I scratched out my full name)

What to expect when you got your LOA practitioner's certificate in hands?

You may track it back to the benefit that I've mentioned earlier, and ask; “Have I been listed to the Global Science Foundation, and get promoted online?”

The answer is yes, your name will indeed be listed on the Global science Foundation‘s directory with thousand of others' all around the world. Here's mine:


A little something that I personally feel off about this LOA coaching

Since it’s an online course, one problem that users have to anticipate far before enrolling is to make sure you can work independently.

However, there are questions that I find better asked directly.  Especially as the one who used to walk in the dark side and now wanted to completely transform to the other side, I have a lot of questions; and a direct answers like having a face to face conversation with an expert would be considered as a better option.

They do have a place for questions and comments right on their website (which I’ve tried and not working):

So, if you want to drop any comment or question, you can hit their customer

I did send mine few days ago. It says that they’d personally give response to my question for 48 hours the least. But it’s been longer than that and I haven’t received anything.

Gird your loins if you think you have the same difficulty like I do with the online coaching. To anticipate that, you can start early to train yourself to be more receptive before you start your own enrollment to this LOA online coaching.

One more thing I’d like to say; even if it’s hard to redefine your old belief and to do it without any presence of an expert to give you direct instructions and encouragement, this online course is still worth trying. Be patient and believe in yourself that you can do it is the major key to open the door of your success.

Nevertheless, everything starts within, isn’t it? No matter how many experts work on you but if deep down inside you’re reluctant to change, you’ll never change. I’ve told myself this as well.

But if you still find it hard to work it out alone,

Here’s an Instructors’ Tip for You:

Find a study partner and if you’re aiming to be a practitioner, it’s best to practice your techniques on a number of people.




Few Other's Testimonies that You might Want to Know

Mark Ryan

This is a very wonderful book. I call this product my stepping stone because it has helped me a lot in becoming who I am. Everything I have been able to do and advancing in my career is because made the right decision to buy this.

William Wyatt

The certification does not take long before you are awarded one, that is, if you have passed.

Manish Jeremy

This program works. The good thing is that the certificate that you will get from this site is accepted almost in any part of the world means that it is a certified program. Therefore you don't have to be afraid of the rejection of your certificate to the place where you want to be.


One Step Closer to Activate Your Law of Attraction

You can start your enrolment now by visiting the official website. The normal price to take this course is $ 675 but you can have a SALE price with $ 47 only by clicking button below:


Click Here to Get Access to $ 47

Upon its arrival, the law of attraction coaching also gives you the availability to 60 days cancelation, money back guarantee. So if it’s not working on you, you can seize this option.



I recommend this program to you since I found this law of attraction coaching a helpful source to help gain your understanding that every single person has the capability to achieve success the way they want. It contains apt yet simple methodological steps for users to follow.

It’s a home-based course; a great solution to your busy schedule. Once you bought it, the knowledge is yours forever and if you need refreshment you can revisit anytime.

If you want to be a certified practitioner; this is a complete package for you. The course is designed to help you to the level in which you can teach others safely, successfully, and professionally.

However, here’s one thing to bear in mind: this law of attraction coaching is not an instant source of happiness. If you can’t deal with the possibility of slow progress, you're free to find another source.


Click Here to Activate your Law of Attraction
7.9 Total Score

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Author's credibility:
  • Lifetime access
  • The content is easy to understand
  • The availability of 60 days warranty
  • The authors are credible
  • Bonuses available
  • Online certificate after completion
  • Customer service is not responsive
  • Others' free online sources
  • Takes time to master the course
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